Thursday, December 03, 2009


After back from lunch today, I dropped by downstairs office to get some drinks in a small stationary shop and I found this little notepad.. It's look old with little bit rusty. I wanted new notepad unfortunately this is last stock.. ^^

I use to carry little notepad with me in my bag to pen down all things that i cannot remember well. Not mentioning myself always forget full so it's good to write down all in the notepad. I also read my friend's article entitle "notebook", he inspired me to get this notepad.

After i changed my phone, i less use notepad coz i tot phone(electronic gadget) will be easy way to keep all the documents. But i still prefer the old method of keep my notes with paper and a pen.. This allow me to practice my hand writing after n years i left schools, myself hardly writing.

Ridiculous to believe?
Think about it......

Front design cover notepad

Content design notepad

Behind cover design notepad

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